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Put an end to your avoidance issues, toxic shame & codependency, and walk tall as confident, empowered man, with a deep knowing of what it is to embody conscious masculinity.

Have you found yourself asking these questions as you aspire to a greater version of yourself?

How can I embody my masculinity & become more confident whilst not falling into the trap of toxic, red-pill ideology?


How can I make lasting transformations without getting stuck in mental masturbation, knowing all the theory but lacking implementation?

How do I stop repeated patterns of self-sabotage and actually move towards the better life I aspire to?

How can I free myself from the grip of codependency and put an end to frustrating relationship dynamics?

Then likely most of the following apply to you...

You are unfulfilled with your current relationship due repeated patterns of chaos & push pull dynamics, plus a lack of fulfilling sexual connection.

You're aware of how your avoidance is sabotaging you getting the love & intimacy you actually crave.

You can no longer tolerate self-sabotaging behaviours: addictions, people-pleasing, weak boundaries, procrastination… but, have yet discovered how to resolve them.

You’re weighed down by the frustration of not feeling good enough, knowing more is possible in life. The thought of stagnating terrifies you. 

You walk around carrying a lump in your throat, afraid to express your authentic desires and feelings, instead wear a mask to fit in and please others.

You desire to become a man who's taken seriously, who’s activated his potential and is unapologetically himself.

Despite your best efforts, going at this path alone has only brought you so far, for no man is an island.

Your empowerment and growth is predicated on the connection you have to other conscious men who have already stepped into the fire & carried the inner-resolve needed to transform their ways.



avoidance issues
secure attachment


boundaries & discipline


nice-guy persona
embodied masculinity


codependent chaos
thriving intimate relationships


responsibility & growth mindset


fulfillment & purpose


I know because I've been through it myself. I let my unhealed wounds & unconscious belief-system wreak havoc in my life. I spent a long time letting various addictions & avoidance issues keep me from my masculine core. After long fought battles, and utilising powerful transformation tools, I began to integrate my rejected parts. Now being confronted with how much confusion there is on the topic of masculinity, I offer my guidance on how you can embody healthy, conscious masculinity...


Nelson, UK
“Through his coaching, I gained a newfound sense of purpose and a clearer vision for my future. The experience was very positive as Fred was super empathetic and made it super easy to talk to."
James, Berlin
"Taking the work that we did into the real world has made significant changes in my life: I have better control over my people-pleasing tendencies & I am now less socially anxious. I can only recommend Fred & the embodiment coaching"
Justus, Zürich
"Fred's calm presence, attentive listening & genuine warmth made me feel comfortable to discuss my experiences, pick them apart & find myself much more at ease with them than I had thought possible."


- YOU -


The world is asking you to embody your masculinity & become a conscious, resilient man who...

  • exudes confidence & grit

  • is not swayed by the judgement of others

  • is actively living out his potential & purpose

  • effortlessly attracts partners he once only dreamed of being with

  • establishes deep, thriving intimacy in his chosen relationships

  • knows the deep meaning of presence & emotional intelligence

  • handles conflict with composure & grace

All this & more is possible when following the right steps. Which I believe I have for you...


A 3-part, non-linear framework that assures your effective transformation

Mindset & World Paradigms

Know that until you fix more constructive paradigms & you develop the right kind of mindset, you’ll stay in your limited perspective & victim mentality.

 Broaden your worldview to include multiple perspectives & more nuance.

 Develop your psychology according to various developmental models.

 Implement impeccable self-leadership & self-awareness. 

 Begin the necessary subconscious reprogramming to let go of outdated beliefs systems.

Psycho-Emotional Processing

Know that until you fix more constructive paradigms & you develop the right kind of mindset, you’ll stay in your limited perspective & victim mentality.

 Broaden your worldview to include multiple perspectives & more nuance.

 Develop your psychology according to various developmental models.

 Implement impeccable self-leadership & self-awareness. 

 Begin the necessary subconscious reprogramming to let go of outdated beliefs systems.


Embodiment stops you getting stuck in mental masturbation, knowing all the theory but without any consistent implementation & affect in the world.

➤ Embody archetypal masculine energies.

➤ Cultivate felt-sense to assist emotional processing, increase intuition & develop emotional intelligence.

➤ Learn your character structures & release your body's armour & tense fascia.

➤ Explore practices to build your nervous system regulation.

1 / Shifting Your World Paradigms

➡︎ Stage development
according to Integral Theory

➡︎  Cognitive behavioural techniques

➡︎ Reprogramming subconscious core beliefs

➡︎  Ground spiritual development in robust psychology

2 / Pyscho-emotional Processing

➡︎ Healing Mother & Father Wounds
➡︎ Inner-child & Inner-parts Work
➡︎ Integrative Shadow Work
➡︎ Process suppressed emotions

3 / Embodiment

➡︎ Nervous System Regulation
➡︎ Strozzi-Heckler’s 'Somatic Arc of Transformation'
➡︎ Embodiment of Masculine Archetypes
➡︎ Bioenergetics & unlocking chronically tense fascia
➡︎ Body Awareness & cultivating felt-sense


This list is not exhaustive, nor will we utilize every approach: I treat you as an individual with compassionate presence and look into exactly where you're holding yourself back, to apply the most suitable modalities and approaches accordingly. 


Disclaimer: I am not a trauma therapist, however I have had extensive training & education around trauma and consider myself to be trauma informed. I work with integrity and do not shy away from referring you on if you're trauma requires more specialised treatment.


We cover the areas where you are most held back from living a life of fulfilment. These are all topics i've worked on & resolved in my own life, and I look forward sharing my wealth of information & guidance. 
Know these areas are deeply intertwined, and it's impossible to cover one without the other.




What are the benefits of this method?

Look, I am aware the industries full of big promises with small results. I don't want to offer more snake-oil. That's why I aim to cover these 3 areas of personal transformation, with a focus on embodiment - something many other neglect or teach wrong.  People often only focus on 1 (or at best 2) of these aspects of inner work. Learning the hard way myself & seeing others get stuck, i've come to understand that it's vital to cover all 3 areas in order to sustain lasting change in our behavior patterns, as well as the ways in which we relate to the world and others.   I'm also not here to promote alpha-dog, red-pill clichés nor out-dated stereotypes. What I teach is authenticity above all. Yet, I also don't pander to the polar opposite views on masculinity, where it's deconstructed beyond sense and you're told to embrace fragility.


What's unique about me?

As much as i've practiced & had spiritual experiences, I am tired of spiritual scenes, the overused jargon and toxic personas. Although I have to check my own judgements, I can't help but cringe these days. So, if it's on your radar we can go there, but we'll keep it real.  Men's work is a saturated space, I get it. At the end of the day, you vibe with who you vibe with. But have discernment for the uninitiated who'll only take you further into your folly. I continue my work under the guidance of mentors who keep me in integrity.  I'm someone who's done a lot of the heavy-lifting inside a relationship. It's pushed me to my breaking point & humbled me many times. I'm not someone who takes relationship lightly, and i've learned to practice reflection, ownership & initiating before jumping ship.  Embodiment is my thing. I've been exploring various practices for over 10 years now. I've discovered how feeling-consciousness rooted in our bodies is key for healing & growth.

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3 Month Package

A 3-month container with 6 x 1:1 sessions. This is a great starting point for coaching to get clarity on your set backs and what is required to get your to the next stage in your evolution.



6 Month Package

A 6-month container with 12 x 1:1 sessions. Suitable if you've already done personal development, but have hit a block and want to face the stuff you're blind to and cement in a radical transformation.



Custom Mentorship

A custom package based on your investment capacity and intensity preference, that  maximises the shift you're willing to undertake. Suitable if you're interested in a longer term solution.


Bi-weekly sessions

24/7 contact for support

Information sheets & recordings


Notion Portal +  accountability tracking

Copies of session notes

Before requesting my coaching service, please make sure...

  • You are prepared to invest in yourself, both financially and with your time to do homework and practices.

  • You've chosen me off your own back, not at someone else's suggestion.

  • You have a clear idea of your desired transformation(s).

  • You are prepared to take absolute responsibility for your life situation & understand your empowerment is a byproduct the conscious decisions you make & work you do on yourself.

  • You are willing to dive into discomfort and address all the areas of your life you've been avoiding. 




Look, I am aware the industries full of big promises with small results. I don't want to offer more snake-oil. That's why I aim to cover these 3 areas of personal transformation, with a focus on embodiment - something many other neglect or teach wrong.  People often only focus on 1 (or at best 2) of these aspects of inner work. Learning the hard way myself & seeing others get stuck, i've come to understand that it's vital to cover all 3 areas in order to sustain lasting change in our behavior patterns, as well as the ways in which we relate to the world and others.   I'm also not here to promote alpha-dog, red-pill clichés nor out-dated stereotypes. What I teach is authenticity above all. Yet, I also don't pander to the polar opposite views on masculinity, where it's deconstructed beyond sense and you're told to embrace fragility.



As much as i've practiced & had spiritual experiences, I am tired of spiritual scenes, the overused jargon and toxic personas. Although I have to check my own judgements, I can't help but cringe these days. So, if it's on your radar we can go there, but we'll keep it real.  Men's work is a saturated space, I get it. At the end of the day, you vibe with who you vibe with. But have discernment for the uninitiated who'll only take you further into your folly. I continue my work under the guidance of mentors who keep me in integrity.  I'm someone who's done a lot of the heavy-lifting inside a relationship. It's pushed me to my breaking point & humbled me many times. I'm not someone who takes relationship lightly, and i've learned to practice reflection, ownership & initiating before jumping ship.  Embodiment is my thing. I've been exploring various practices for over 10 years now. I've discovered how feeling-consciousness rooted in our bodies is key for healing & growth.


What are the benefits of this method?

Look, I am aware the industries full of big promises with small results. I don't want to offer more snake-oil. That's why I aim to cover these 3 areas of personal transformation, with a focus on embodiment - something many other neglect or teach wrong.  People often only focus on 1 (or at best 2) of these aspects of inner work. Learning the hard way myself & seeing others get stuck, i've come to understand that it's vital to cover all 3 areas in order to sustain lasting change in our behavior patterns, as well as the ways in which we relate to the world and others.   I'm also not here to promote alpha-dog, red-pill clichés nor out-dated stereotypes. What I teach is authenticity above all. Yet, I also don't pander to the polar opposite views on masculinity, where it's deconstructed beyond sense and you're told to embrace fragility.


What's unique about me?

As much as i've practiced & had spiritual experiences, I am tired of spiritual scenes, the overused jargon and toxic personas. Although I have to check my own judgements, I can't help but cringe these days. So, if it's on your radar we can go there, but we'll keep it real.  Men's work is a saturated space, I get it. At the end of the day, you vibe with who you vibe with. But have discernment for the uninitiated who'll only take you further into your folly. I continue my work under the guidance of mentors who keep me in integrity.  I'm someone who's done a lot of the heavy-lifting inside a relationship. It's pushed me to my breaking point & humbled me many times. I'm not someone who takes relationship lightly, and i've learned to practice reflection, ownership & initiating before jumping ship.  Embodiment is my thing. I've been exploring various practices for over 10 years now. I've discovered how feeling-consciousness rooted in our bodies is key for healing & growth.


What are the benefits of this method?

Look, I am aware the industries full of big promises with small results. I don't want to offer more snake-oil. That's why I aim to cover these 3 areas of personal transformation, with a focus on embodiment - something many other neglect or teach wrong.  People often only focus on 1 (or at best 2) of these aspects of inner work. Learning the hard way myself & seeing others get stuck, i've come to understand that it's vital to cover all 3 areas in order to sustain lasting change in our behavior patterns, as well as the ways in which we relate to the world and others.   I'm also not here to promote alpha-dog, red-pill clichés nor out-dated stereotypes. What I teach is authenticity above all. Yet, I also don't pander to the polar opposite views on masculinity, where it's deconstructed beyond sense and you're told to embrace fragility.


What's unique about me?

As much as i've practiced & had spiritual experiences, I am tired of spiritual scenes, the overused jargon and toxic personas. Although I have to check my own judgements, I can't help but cringe these days. So, if it's on your radar we can go there, but we'll keep it real.  Men's work is a saturated space, I get it. At the end of the day, you vibe with who you vibe with. But have discernment for the uninitiated who'll only take you further into your folly. I continue my work under the guidance of mentors who keep me in integrity.  I'm someone who's done a lot of the heavy-lifting inside a relationship. It's pushed me to my breaking point & humbled me many times. I'm not someone who takes relationship lightly, and i've learned to practice reflection, ownership & initiating before jumping ship.  Embodiment is my thing. I've been exploring various practices for over 10 years now. I've discovered how feeling-consciousness rooted in our bodies is key for healing & growth.




“I can highly recommend Fred's services if you want to self-develop!”

Lee, Berlin


My name is Fred 

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Using a combination of embodiment and integral development, I help men change their world paradigms in order to overcome the nice guy-syndrome, reclaim their masculinity & create thriving intimate relationships. 

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