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conscious masculinity

In this pre-recorded webinar series you will...


If you're currently feeling disempowered, failing with women and stuck in cycles of self-sabotage, then you've most likely NOT integrated these 8 areas required for embodying mature masculinity.

Do you want to integrate your masculine core, embody conscious leadership, & be respected as a confident man...

...without falling for red-pill ideology, nor posturing macho-bravdo?

...without becoming overly stoic & dead to your emotions?

...without letting unhealed wounds & shadows sabotage your growth?

Then sign up to watch the 8-part webinar series
, and discover the paradigm shifts and tools that have helped men grow out of boy-pyschology & embody authentically integrated masculinity.

resilience, confidence coach

This is a series of recorded webinars that took place over the course of 2023. Each  webinar present one of the most fundamental topics in the field of men's work. Through understanding these topics and implementing the work, you'll

Gain deeper understanding of your psychology, behaviour patterns and learns ways to stay conscious when triggered.

Beyond cultural stereotypes of manliness, (i.e. having a strong physique, having lots of money and high status), the defining factor of masculinity & the thing women truly desire is depth of presence.


That is, a man who has done his inner-work and doesn't drag her into the chaos of his own making when his healing, emotional maturity and depth of conscious goes unattended to. 

And here's the thing, I've been that guy...

I was once at the mercy of my unintegrated shadows: addicted to porn, reckless with my sexual energy, desperately seeking validation from women, and trying to numb my pain by living a hedonistic life style.


Thankfully, forays into eastern spirituality, embodiment, psychedelics, fierce men's work and a commitment to a conscious relationship has allowed me to wise up and put an end to my folly and self-sabotage.

Everything I share with you in these videos are things i've gone to pain-staking effort to integrate into my personality. What I share from other sources and inspirational teachers, are also things I have experienced myself, as i've put them into practice and embodied them in life. 

frederick day


Integrate your Shadow & End Cycles of Self-Sabotage

Most often men stay stuck in destructive patterns of behavior or addiction due to their unintegrated shadows: the part of their psyche and personality they're not aware of. Once these are met and compassionately accepted, you can weild their innate power for doing good in your life.


Master Your Sexual Energy & No Longer Be a Slave to Lust

One of the most destructive force in a man's life can be his sexual energy & lust when it's left un-checked. Men commonly seek validation through chasing sex and find relief in porn and ejaculation, without knowing the secret power that lies when they learn to cultivate & harnessing this energy.


Embody Your Masculine Core Through the 4 Archetypes

Many men in today's world have loose touch with their masculine core due to their personal history & societal conditioning, instead playing the inauthentic nice guy. With the 4 primal archetypes, you can reclaim your masculinity and be no longer fearful of harnessing their range of energies.


Develop Emotional Maturity & Relate Consciously

I need not say how terrible the majority of men are at relating with the feminine due to emotional immaturity. These men fall into a variety of reactive patterns when hit by a woman's emotional storm, with each being a drop of consciousness that could otherwise bring forth more harmony, trust & desire to fuck.


The value of the information shared in these webinars is utterly life-changing. I know because implementing this wisdom has radically changed my life. 

The total value is easily above what you'd pay in a 3-month coaching container...


which you're getting here, condensed into 9 hours...


Nelson, UK

"As a result of our work together, I’ve experienced significant positive changes in both my mindset and actions, leading to tangible improvements in various aspects of my life. I highly recommend Fred’s coaching to anyone seeking to unlock their full potential and make meaningful strides towards their goals."


What is the Nice Guy Syndrome
& How to Break Free

The Damage of Porn
& How to Stop

Intro to Integral Theory

Embodying the 4 Masculine Archetypes

Shadow Work For Men

Harnessing Sexual Energy

Integral Masculinity

Navigating Conflict in Relationships

If you find value in this work & you'd like to make a contribution, please do so below. Thank you!

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